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I have been asked where I come from so many times, that I take it in a good way. I come from a rural community in southern Ecuador. All that I am, I walk and do, is because of my attention to the orality of adults. What I heard and saw do, what they taught and instructed me.


Remembering something that makes humans vital is that we are oral. That is the basis of affective pedagogy, between us and the universe.

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  • Vision Quest Chile 2025
    Vision Quest Chile 2025
    Fri, 31 Jan
    31 Jan 2025, 15:00 – 05 Feb 2025, 12:00
    Encuentro presencial de cuatro noches / Four night in-person gathering
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November 2020

Who is carmen video


We speak acknowledging the word carried by the wind
With the mandate of that which is ancient and that which is present,
We were germinated by the rain,

We watch, seeing ourselves in the leaf of the tree that cradled us all
Music will be the staff brought by the peoples,
Silence for the father of all the fires – the Sun,

Visible tasks of the Being and Doing,
Infinite renewal of the nourished altars,
Honoured Mother Earth
We have not left,
We return with the only vital offer,
Our Heart.

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Orchestra of the Continents presents:

"Songs from Carmen Vicente's SECRET Altars"

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