- with Carmen Vicente -
The women of the times created and worked attentively from their knowledge to guarantee the existence of their descendants and the evolution and transcendence of their culture.
In all communities and cultures women rested, spent time apart. And they took this time to envision, and thus modify and enrich their reality. Our elders received this knowledge from their elders. The blood of her cycle was the road-map that opened the secrets.
The time that is now, ours, has obviated the existence of these secrets in our education. We have lost the charm of this heritage. This ignorance is a risk for the physical, emotional, and mental health of the present generations. However, although the knowledge of that power is not active in our everyday consciousness, the source is still within us.
the secrets
For two decades, Carmen has been offering and sharing through direct instruction, the inheritance she has received from the secret practices of the women of her community. It's about a sensitive pedagogy of creative consciousness for this time, with the difficulties that we face today.
This work invites the woman to live a practical experience that leads to knowledge, to revitalize secret chores, and above all, to recover rest and learning during the menstrual period as an inalienable right of health.

The School of Secrets has students and graduates in North, Central, and South America, Europe, The United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, and many more points upon the Earth.
Since 2020, Carmen has been offering the School of Secrets instruction online.
For more information email escuela@carmenvicente.com

"Menstruation was the secret school of knowledge
for the spirit, health, art and life.
It is a form of health and education for life.
Our menstrual blood initiates
the destinies of generations."